

Trans Life相关

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女性倾向跨性别者科学: 法国关于醋酸环丙孕酮和脑膜瘤风险的研究的最新进展以及对女性倾向跨性别者的影响 (Recent Developments on Cyproterone Acetate and Meningioma Risk Out of France and Implications for Transfeminine People) - 公开区 - limelight
女性倾向跨性别者科学: 经阴囊及新阴唇给药对女性倾向跨性别者经皮雌二醇吸收的极大增强 (Genital Application via the Scrotum and Neolabia for Greatly Enhanced Absorption of Transdermal Estradiol in Transfeminine People) - 公开区 - limelight
论文分享:Measuring Gender Dysphoria: A Multicenter Examination and Comparison of the Utrecht Gender Dysphoria Scale and the Gender Identity/Gender Dysphoria Questionnaire for Adolescents and Adults - 公开区 - limelight


写给跨性别者孩子与家长的科普与指南-家长篇(Beta版本) - 公开区 - limelight
视频翻译:Raised Without Gender - 公开区 - limelight
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[转] 2021全国跨性别健康调研:中国数百万跨性别者值得被看见 - 公开区 - limelight
[转] 跨性别门诊医生潘柏林:让Ta们成为“自己” - 公开区 - limelight

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